About Rogue Painting

house in the mountains

Who We Are

Rogue Painting is Sonoma County based full service commercial and residential painting business. I spent summers and experience in the painting industry. Shortly after graduating high school I went to working full time with some phenomenal painting companies restoring Victorians in west Petaluma to wineries and custom homes in Sonoma all while attending the SRJC and SSU.

I’ve accumulated an exorbitant amount knowledge from so many great contractors and fellow tradesmen and women through the years and apply the best techniques and knowledge on all my projects, because I believe everyone no matter where they lie on the totem pole or how long they’ve been in the trades has something to offer.

I always loved working on and restoring homes and seeing the process all the way through. It’s a special feeling driving by a home or business you helped bring back to its former glory or being the first to work on new construction project knowing you can start from an absolute square one. I knew that was certainly something I enjoyed and excelled at. After accumulating more knowledge from working and school matched with a burning drive for something more in my life I decided to take the leap and start my company Rogue Painting in 2019. We have since provided quality service at a fair price to countless clients and continue to build a rock solid reputation in Sonoma County.


Get it done with us today

Call today to set up an appointment to walk you through your aspirations, and the scope of your project, goals, and budget. Get your dream paint project done on time and within budget.

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